
Our values are our north star. What and how we do things will inevitably change over time, but our values are constant. We truly believe that by following these core tenants of our business we will always end up in the right place.

Be Honest:

Relationships are built on trust. We always tell the whole truth, even if it hurts.

Be Transparent:

We will always show our partners what we’re doing and why.

Be Realistic:

We will never overpromise or agree to a campaign KPI we don’t think is realistic.

Be Kind:

We don’t do mean. We’re all professionals and will treat one another as such. Life is too short to deal with a**holes.

Be Helpful:

We strive to go above and beyond where we can to deliver not just what was contracted but deliver a delightful experience of working together.

Be Collaborative:

The intersection of great work comes at the crossroads of collaboration between our core skills of media buying with our agency partners’ core skills. We look to bring our work and our knowledge to the table to do great things together and avoid situations where we’re handed marching orders without consultation

Be (Calculated) Risk Takers:

We won’t discover the next big thing without constantly testing and taking a small but calculated risk. Along with transparency and being realistic we look to collaborate with partners who are willing to try new things. When we try those things and they work we celebrate. When they don’t, we never react negatively to the person who took the risk so long as it was a calculated one and in line with our other values.