Hey everybody. Jeromy here with another updated on Reddit ads. Big, big news today. Reddit has completely stopped not safe for work advertising. No more targeting of not safe for work. No more running adult products. Period. The end. No more porno.
This is huge, right? This has been something that is you know, obviously not permissible on Facebook, not permissible in a lot of different places. And has been, you know, there’s a lot of adult advertisers on Reddit and this, I think, shows the platform maturing a lot. And I think that really what this comes down to is brand safety. I think that brands are worried that adding in a lot of like specific communities, things like that, they’re going to accidentally get not safe for work inventory, right? Which could be … you know, it can be a big deal for more family oriented brands, things like that. I think this shows the maturity in the platform among other things.
So, they did in our Reddit ads, which is where they do a lot of their official announcements, they announced this. And then if you go into, they say there specifically, “Hello Reddit Advertisers. We are updating our advertising policy to disallow not safe for work ads and targeting on Reddit. Ads for adult-oriented products and services on Reddit are no longer permissible. And not safe for work, typically referred to as NSFW, subreddits will no longer be eligible for ads or targeting.
Now, I went into the ad platform. You could still put it in, right? So, I can type in “NSFW”, right? And I could see not safe for work, right? Obviously 18 plus. So they haven’t actually removed the option yet but, an interesting thing happened in our Reddit ads. Right below that post, as of noon yesterday, they stopped running not safe for work ads. They turned it off and then they made the announcement. So it’s just done. So if you’re running an adult product or anything like that, might want to start looking elsewhere. Look at your other options. You know, things like that.
But, for those of you that have had a family oriented brand or something where you really want to avoid that, you know, I work with some religious brands and things like that, this is actually like a really big opportunity now. So now inventory’s a little safer. You don’t have to sorry about one of your products popping up on a porn subreddit or something like that. So, big, big update.
Let me know what you’re thoughts are in the comments. Tell me are you upset? Do you think this is a good move? Do you think it’s a bad move. You know, I can see a lot of different angles. For me, I think it’s a good move but, everybody’s going to have their own opinion. So thank you all for watching and happy marketing everybody.